ACRO is an FAI and CIVA approved application for scoring, results and web publication at national and international power and glider aerobatic events.
ACRO is compatible with all versions of Windows™
Download ACRO now
Version 4.3 build 11-10-18

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2018 Version 4.3 is a full-featured aerobatic competition scoring solution for domestic international events
ACRO is quick and easy to use, offering all scoring regimes from IAC style raw-grades to the latest CIVA FairPlay statistical methodology to balance judges' output and effectively eliminate bias. The software includes a separate comprehensive Help system, page-tuned to each form and every subject.
ACRO is simple to install on any Windows pc and enables fast and accurate marks entry, great single and composite sequence results reporting flexibility for printed, web and Excel output, a photo editor and online international photo archive, thorough printed and online FPS judging analysis, over 200 international team flags, web index page creation with built-in ftp upload for all your contest results with scores-linked Pilots Score Sheets that include mini-sequence diagrams ... in fact absolutely everything you need to support club, national and international aerobatic event results management at all levels.
   To get ACRO running in your PC
Click the green [Download ACRO now] button to get your copy of the software, then double-click this file or right-click and 'Run' it to install the new version. This will also put the ACRO starter icon on your desktop and update your computer's Programmes menu.
When ACRO is installed in your computer updates are automatically detected and offered, and the software update will always leave all of your existing contest, work-files, pilot-photos and other settings completely intact.
You can also start ACRO by double-clicking the contest filename in Explorer ('some-filename.ctf') or right-click the file and use the "Open" command from the pop-up menu.
ACRO contest files with the .ctf suffix are easily recognisable in Explorer by their ACRO logo
   Getting extra help : Printed output and PDF's : The BAeA : ACRO contest file archive
The ACRO Help System
Explains in detail WHAT the software does, HOW it does it and WHAT it can do for you.
The ACRO Development Log
Here is a complete history of ACRO updates and new builds since Version-1 in 2005.
What to do if you need some extra help while using ACRO
Help systems, back-ups, and getting in touch with Exploit Design
ACRO FPS Output Explanations and making pdf's - Help and Explanations
The pdf info can also be reached from the Help menu in the ACRO software
The British Aerobatic Association uses ACRO at all UK events
Check-out the BAeA's results pages - all the contest results tables are built directly from ACRO

Archive store of ACRO .ctf data files from past UK and other national / international contests
Here's an archive of ACRO contest files - please send us the files from your contests to add to this store!
   CIVA references ...
 Check the CIVA International Results website for examples of ACRO's typical web output
 ACRO is used at most World and European aerobatic championships
  Have a look around the main CIVA News website - dedicated to managing CIVA's events
  This is CIVA's main resource for management and planning documents and general advice
  CIVA also runs 'World Aerobatics' - a Facebook location for everyone in aerobatics
  Started in 2017 and now gathering lots of interesting material and news from around the world
 Scorers Basic Guide for using ACRO at CIVA Championships
 A clear introduction to the correct operation of ACRO at a CIVA championship events
 A short Guide to how the FairPlay System works
 A simple explanation of FPS and how it does its job
 Processing the Marks - a more thorough Review of CIVA's FairPlay System
 A thorough explanation of the CIVA FairPlay statistical judge marks handling system, and why we need it
 Establish a CIVA standard contest box overlay using Google Earth
 Provides several standard graphic box overlays and full instructions to put a 1km aerobatic box onto a Google Earth area
   Keeping your ACRO software and Microsoft .NET Library files up-to-date
ACRO automatically checks for updates every time it starts provided you're online - just follow the instructions. You do NOT have to uninstall ACRO before you do this. Your existing ACRO contest, log, work-files, photographs and support files will all remain safe and untouched.
ACRO is a Microsoft .NET Framework application created using Windows Visual Studio. During the installation process the Installation Wizard should check that your Microsoft Windows™ .NET Framework is current, and if necessary will carry out all necessary upgrades by accessing the internet and fetching/installing the required material. This could mean a several-MB download from Microsoft, depending on the current status of the .NET Framework that is installed in your pc.
If you do have problems operating the software this may be due to the currency of your computer's VB.NET support software. You can download and install the most recent version of the Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable Package separately - this is available from the link below: